API documentation (2024)

Functions for reading data for specific datasets.

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# Copyright 2024 University of Calgary## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""Functions for reading data for specific datasets."""import datetimeimport osimport numpy as npfrom pathlib import Pathfrom typing import List, Union, Optionalfrom ._themis import read as func_read_themisfrom ._rego import read as func_read_regofrom ._trex_nir import read as func_read_trex_nirfrom ._trex_blue import read as func_read_trex_bluefrom ._trex_rgb import read as func_read_trex_rgbfrom ._trex_spectrograph import read as func_read_trex_spectrographfrom ._skymap import read as func_read_skymapfrom ._calibration import read as func_read_calibrationfrom ._grid import read as func_read_gridfrom ..classes import ( Dataset, Data, ProblematicFile, Skymap, SkymapGenerationInfo, Calibration, CalibrationGenerationInfo, GridData, GridSourceInfoData,)from ...exceptions import SRSUnsupportedReadError, SRSErrorclass ReadManager: """ The ReadManager object is initialized within every object. It acts as a way to access the submodules and carry over configuration information in the super class. """ __VALID_THEMIS_READFILE_DATASETS = ["THEMIS_ASI_RAW"] __VALID_REGO_READFILE_DATASETS = ["REGO_RAW"] __VALID_TREX_NIR_READFILE_DATASETS = ["TREX_NIR_RAW"] __VALID_TREX_BLUE_READFILE_DATASETS = ["TREX_BLUE_RAW"] __VALID_TREX_RGB_READFILE_DATASETS = ["TREX_RGB_RAW_NOMINAL", "TREX_RGB_RAW_BURST"] __VALID_SKYMAP_READFILE_DATASETS = [ "REGO_SKYMAP_IDLSAV", "THEMIS_ASI_SKYMAP_IDLSAV", "TREX_NIR_SKYMAP_IDLSAV", "TREX_RGB_SKYMAP_IDLSAV", "TREX_BLUE_SKYMAP_IDLSAV", ] __VALID_CALIBRATION_READFILE_DATASETS = [ "REGO_CALIBRATION_RAYLEIGHS_IDLSAV", "REGO_CALIBRATION_FLATFIELD_IDLSAV", "TREX_NIR_CALIBRATION_RAYLEIGHS_IDLSAV", "TREX_NIR_CALIBRATION_FLATFIELD_IDLSAV", "TREX_BLUE_CALIBRATION_RAYLEIGHS_IDLSAV", "TREX_BLUE_CALIBRATION_FLATFIELD_IDLSAV", ] __VALID_GRID_READFILE_DATASETS = [ "THEMIS_ASI_GRID_MOSV001", "THEMIS_ASI_GRID_MOSU001", "REGO_GRID_MOSV001", "TREX_RGB_GRID_MOSV001", "TREX_NIR_GRID_MOSV001", "TREX_BLUE_GRID_MOSV001", "TREX_RGB5577_GRID_MOSV001", ] def __init__(self): pass def list_supported_datasets(self) -> List[str]: """ List the datasets which have file reading capabilities supported. Returns: A list of the dataset names with file reading support. """ supported_datasets = [] for var in dir(self): var_lower = var.lower() if ("valid" in var_lower and "readfile_datasets" in var_lower): for dataset in getattr(self, var): supported_datasets.append(dataset) supported_datasets = sorted(supported_datasets) return supported_datasets def is_supported(self, dataset_name: str) -> bool: """ Check if a given dataset has file reading support. Not all datasets available in the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing Open Data Platform have special readfile routines in this library. This is because some datasets are in basic formats such as JPG or PNG, so unique functions aren't necessary. We leave it up to the user to open these basic files in whichever way they prefer. Use the `list_supported_read_datasets()` function to see all datasets that have special file reading functionality in this library. Args: dataset_name (str): The dataset name to check if file reading is supported. This parameter is required. Returns: Boolean indicating if file reading is supported. """ supported_datasets = self.list_supported_datasets() if (dataset_name in supported_datasets): return True else: return False def read(self, dataset: Dataset, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False) -> Data: """ Read in data files for a given dataset. Note that only one type of dataset's data should be read in using a single call. Args: dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is required. file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSUnsupportedReadError: an unsupported dataset was used when trying to read files. pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered Notes: --------- For users who are familiar with the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, the read function provides a near-identical usage. Further improvements have been integrated, and those libraries are anticipated to be deprecated at some point in the future. """ # verify dataset is valid if (dataset is None): raise SRSUnsupportedReadError("Must supply a dataset. If not know, please use the<specific_routine>() function") # read data using the appropriate readfile routine if ( in self.__VALID_THEMIS_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_themis(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_REGO_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_rego(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_TREX_NIR_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_trex_nir(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_TREX_BLUE_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_trex_blue(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_TREX_RGB_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_trex_rgb(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_SKYMAP_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_skymap(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_CALIBRATION_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_calibration(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_GRID_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_grid(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) else: raise SRSUnsupportedReadError("Dataset does not have a supported read function") def read_themis(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in THEMIS ASI raw data (stream0 full.pgm* files). Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data img, meta, problematic_files = func_read_themis( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for m in meta: timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["Image request start"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) # convert to return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=img, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj def read_rego(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in REGO raw data (stream0 pgm* files). Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data img, meta, problematic_files = func_read_rego( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for m in meta: timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["Image request start"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) # convert to return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=img, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj def read_trex_nir(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in TREx near-infrared (NIR) raw data (stream0 pgm* files). Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data img, meta, problematic_files = func_read_trex_nir( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for m in meta: timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["Image request start"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) # convert to appropriate return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=img, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj def read_trex_blue(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in TREx Blueline raw data (stream0 pgm* files). Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data img, meta, problematic_files = func_read_trex_blue( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for m in meta: timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["Image request start"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) # convert to return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=img, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj def read_trex_rgb(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in TREx RGB raw data (stream0 h5, stream0.burst png.tar, unstable stream0 and stream0.colour pgm* and png*). Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data img, meta, problematic_files = func_read_trex_rgb( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for m in meta: if ("image_request_start_timestamp" in m): timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["image_request_start_timestamp"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) elif ("Image request start" in m): timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["Image request start"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) else: raise SRSError("Unexpected timestamp metadata format") # convert to return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=img, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj def read_trex_spectrograph(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in TREx Spectrograph raw data (stream0 pgm* files). Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data img, meta, problematic_files = func_read_trex_spectrograph( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for m in meta: timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["Image request start"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) # convert to return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=img, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj def read_skymap( self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None, ) -> Data: """ Read in UCalgary skymap files. Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading skymap files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data data = func_read_skymap( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, quiet=quiet, ) # convert to return object skymap_objs = [] for item in data: # init item item_recarray = item["skymap"][0] # parse valid start and end times into datetimes date_generated_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(item_recarray.generation_info[0].date_generated.decode(), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") # parse filename into several values filename_split = os.path.basename(item["filename"]).split('_') filename_times_split = filename_split[3].split('-') valid_interval_start_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(filename_times_split[0], "%Y%m%d") valid_interval_stop_dt = None if (filename_times_split[1] != '+'): valid_interval_stop_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(filename_times_split[1], "%Y%m%d") # parse date time used into datetime date_time_used_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(item_recarray.generation_info[0].date_time_used.decode(), "%Y%m%d_UT%H") # determine the version version_str = os.path.splitext(item["filename"])[0].split('_')[-1] # create generation info dictionary generation_info_obj = SkymapGenerationInfo( author=item_recarray.generation_info[0].author.decode(), ccd_center=item_recarray.generation_info[0].ccd_center, code_used=item_recarray.generation_info[0].code_used.decode(), data_loc=item_recarray.generation_info[0].data_loc.decode(), date_generated=date_generated_dt, date_time_used=date_time_used_dt, img_flip=item_recarray.generation_info[0].img_flip, optical_orientation=item_recarray.generation_info[0].optical_orientation, optical_projection=item_recarray.generation_info[0].optical_projection, pixel_aspect_ratio=item_recarray.generation_info[0].pixel_aspect_ratio, valid_interval_start=valid_interval_start_dt, valid_interval_stop=valid_interval_stop_dt, ) # add in bytscl_values parameter # # NOTE: bytscl_values was not present in early THEMIS skymap files, so # we conditionally add it if ("bytscl_values" in item_recarray.generation_info[0].dtype.names): generation_info_obj.bytscl_values = item_recarray.generation_info[0].bytscl_values # flip certain things full_elevation_flipped = np.flip(item_recarray.full_elevation, axis=0) full_azimuth_flipped = np.flip(item_recarray.full_azimuth, axis=0) full_map_latitude_flipped = np.flip(item_recarray.full_map_latitude, axis=1) full_map_longitude_flipped = np.flip(item_recarray.full_map_longitude, axis=1) if ("REGO" in item["filename"]): # flip e/w too, but just for REGO (since we do this to the raw data too) full_elevation_flipped = np.flip(full_elevation_flipped, axis=1) full_azimuth_flipped = np.flip(full_azimuth_flipped, axis=1) full_map_latitude_flipped = np.flip(full_map_latitude_flipped, axis=2) full_map_longitude_flipped = np.flip(full_map_longitude_flipped, axis=2) # create object skymap_obj = Skymap( filename=item["filename"], project_uid=item_recarray.project_uid.decode(), site_uid=item_recarray.site_uid.decode(), imager_uid=item_recarray.imager_uid.decode(), site_map_latitude=item_recarray.site_map_latitude, site_map_longitude=item_recarray.site_map_longitude, site_map_altitude=item_recarray.site_map_altitude, full_elevation=full_elevation_flipped, full_azimuth=full_azimuth_flipped, full_map_altitude=item_recarray.full_map_altitude, full_map_latitude=full_map_latitude_flipped, full_map_longitude=full_map_longitude_flipped, version=version_str, generation_info=generation_info_obj, ) # append object skymap_objs.append(skymap_obj) # cast into data object data_obj = Data( data=skymap_objs, timestamp=[], metadata=[], problematic_files=[], calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return data_obj def read_calibration( self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None, ) -> Data: """ Read in UCalgary calibration files. Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading calibration files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data data = func_read_calibration( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, quiet=quiet, ) # convert to return object calibration_objs = [] for item in data: # init item_filename = item["filename"] # determine the version version_str = os.path.splitext(item_filename)[0].split('_')[-1] # parse filename into several values filename_split = os.path.basename(item_filename).split('_') filename_times_split = filename_split[3].split('-') valid_interval_start_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(filename_times_split[0], "%Y%m%d") valid_interval_stop_dt = None if (filename_times_split[1] != '+'): valid_interval_stop_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(filename_times_split[1], "%Y%m%d") # determine the detector UID detector_uid = filename_split[2] file_type = filename_split[1].lower() flat_field_multiplier_value = None rayleighs_perdn_persecond_value = None if (file_type == "flatfield"): for key in item.keys(): if ("flat_field_multiplier" in key): # flip vertically flat_field_multiplier_value = np.flip(item[key], axis=0) # flip horizontally, if REGO if ("REGO" in item_filename): flat_field_multiplier_value = np.flip(flat_field_multiplier_value, axis=1) break elif (file_type == "rayleighs"): for key in item.keys(): if ("rper_dnpersecond" in key): rayleighs_perdn_persecond_value = item[key] break # set input data dir and skymap filename (may exist in the calibration file, may not) author_str = None input_data_dir_str = None skymap_filename_str = None if ("author" in item): author_str = item["author"].decode() if ("input_data_dir" in item): input_data_dir_str = item["input_data_dir"].decode() if ("skymap_filename" in item): skymap_filename_str = item["skymap_filename"].decode() # set generation info object generation_info_obj = CalibrationGenerationInfo( author=author_str, input_data_dir=input_data_dir_str, skymap_filename=skymap_filename_str, valid_interval_start=valid_interval_start_dt, valid_interval_stop=valid_interval_stop_dt, ) # create object calibration_obj = Calibration( filename=item_filename, version=version_str, dataset=dataset, detector_uid=detector_uid, flat_field_multiplier=flat_field_multiplier_value, rayleighs_perdn_persecond=rayleighs_perdn_persecond_value, generation_info=generation_info_obj, ) # append object calibration_objs.append(calibration_obj) # cast into data object data_obj = Data( data=calibration_objs, timestamp=[], metadata=[], problematic_files=[], calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return data_obj def read_grid(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in grid files. Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data data_dict, meta, problematic_files = func_read_grid( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # create grid data object grid_data_obj = GridData( grid=data_dict["grid"], # type: ignore fill_value=float(meta[0]["fill_value"]), source_info=GridSourceInfoData(confidence=data_dict["source_info"]["confidence"]), # type: ignore ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for t in data_dict["timestamp"]: # type: ignore timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(t.decode(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC")) # convert to return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=grid_data_obj, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj


class ReadManager

The ReadManager object is initialized within every object. Itacts as a way to access the submodules and carry over configuration information inthe super class.

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class ReadManager: """ The ReadManager object is initialized within every object. It acts as a way to access the submodules and carry over configuration information in the super class. """ __VALID_THEMIS_READFILE_DATASETS = ["THEMIS_ASI_RAW"] __VALID_REGO_READFILE_DATASETS = ["REGO_RAW"] __VALID_TREX_NIR_READFILE_DATASETS = ["TREX_NIR_RAW"] __VALID_TREX_BLUE_READFILE_DATASETS = ["TREX_BLUE_RAW"] __VALID_TREX_RGB_READFILE_DATASETS = ["TREX_RGB_RAW_NOMINAL", "TREX_RGB_RAW_BURST"] __VALID_SKYMAP_READFILE_DATASETS = [ "REGO_SKYMAP_IDLSAV", "THEMIS_ASI_SKYMAP_IDLSAV", "TREX_NIR_SKYMAP_IDLSAV", "TREX_RGB_SKYMAP_IDLSAV", "TREX_BLUE_SKYMAP_IDLSAV", ] __VALID_CALIBRATION_READFILE_DATASETS = [ "REGO_CALIBRATION_RAYLEIGHS_IDLSAV", "REGO_CALIBRATION_FLATFIELD_IDLSAV", "TREX_NIR_CALIBRATION_RAYLEIGHS_IDLSAV", "TREX_NIR_CALIBRATION_FLATFIELD_IDLSAV", "TREX_BLUE_CALIBRATION_RAYLEIGHS_IDLSAV", "TREX_BLUE_CALIBRATION_FLATFIELD_IDLSAV", ] __VALID_GRID_READFILE_DATASETS = [ "THEMIS_ASI_GRID_MOSV001", "THEMIS_ASI_GRID_MOSU001", "REGO_GRID_MOSV001", "TREX_RGB_GRID_MOSV001", "TREX_NIR_GRID_MOSV001", "TREX_BLUE_GRID_MOSV001", "TREX_RGB5577_GRID_MOSV001", ] def __init__(self): pass def list_supported_datasets(self) -> List[str]: """ List the datasets which have file reading capabilities supported. Returns: A list of the dataset names with file reading support. """ supported_datasets = [] for var in dir(self): var_lower = var.lower() if ("valid" in var_lower and "readfile_datasets" in var_lower): for dataset in getattr(self, var): supported_datasets.append(dataset) supported_datasets = sorted(supported_datasets) return supported_datasets def is_supported(self, dataset_name: str) -> bool: """ Check if a given dataset has file reading support. Not all datasets available in the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing Open Data Platform have special readfile routines in this library. This is because some datasets are in basic formats such as JPG or PNG, so unique functions aren't necessary. We leave it up to the user to open these basic files in whichever way they prefer. Use the `list_supported_read_datasets()` function to see all datasets that have special file reading functionality in this library. Args: dataset_name (str): The dataset name to check if file reading is supported. This parameter is required. Returns: Boolean indicating if file reading is supported. """ supported_datasets = self.list_supported_datasets() if (dataset_name in supported_datasets): return True else: return False def read(self, dataset: Dataset, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False) -> Data: """ Read in data files for a given dataset. Note that only one type of dataset's data should be read in using a single call. Args: dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is required. file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSUnsupportedReadError: an unsupported dataset was used when trying to read files. pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered Notes: --------- For users who are familiar with the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, the read function provides a near-identical usage. Further improvements have been integrated, and those libraries are anticipated to be deprecated at some point in the future. """ # verify dataset is valid if (dataset is None): raise SRSUnsupportedReadError("Must supply a dataset. If not know, please use the<specific_routine>() function") # read data using the appropriate readfile routine if ( in self.__VALID_THEMIS_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_themis(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_REGO_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_rego(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_TREX_NIR_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_trex_nir(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_TREX_BLUE_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_trex_blue(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_TREX_RGB_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_trex_rgb(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_SKYMAP_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_skymap(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_CALIBRATION_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_calibration(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_GRID_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_grid(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) else: raise SRSUnsupportedReadError("Dataset does not have a supported read function") def read_themis(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in THEMIS ASI raw data (stream0 full.pgm* files). Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data img, meta, problematic_files = func_read_themis( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for m in meta: timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["Image request start"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) # convert to return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=img, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj def read_rego(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in REGO raw data (stream0 pgm* files). Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data img, meta, problematic_files = func_read_rego( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for m in meta: timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["Image request start"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) # convert to return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=img, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj def read_trex_nir(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in TREx near-infrared (NIR) raw data (stream0 pgm* files). Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data img, meta, problematic_files = func_read_trex_nir( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for m in meta: timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["Image request start"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) # convert to appropriate return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=img, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj def read_trex_blue(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in TREx Blueline raw data (stream0 pgm* files). Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data img, meta, problematic_files = func_read_trex_blue( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for m in meta: timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["Image request start"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) # convert to return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=img, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj def read_trex_rgb(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in TREx RGB raw data (stream0 h5, stream0.burst png.tar, unstable stream0 and stream0.colour pgm* and png*). Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data img, meta, problematic_files = func_read_trex_rgb( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for m in meta: if ("image_request_start_timestamp" in m): timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["image_request_start_timestamp"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) elif ("Image request start" in m): timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["Image request start"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) else: raise SRSError("Unexpected timestamp metadata format") # convert to return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=img, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj def read_trex_spectrograph(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in TREx Spectrograph raw data (stream0 pgm* files). Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data img, meta, problematic_files = func_read_trex_spectrograph( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for m in meta: timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["Image request start"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) # convert to return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=img, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj def read_skymap( self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None, ) -> Data: """ Read in UCalgary skymap files. Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading skymap files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data data = func_read_skymap( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, quiet=quiet, ) # convert to return object skymap_objs = [] for item in data: # init item item_recarray = item["skymap"][0] # parse valid start and end times into datetimes date_generated_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(item_recarray.generation_info[0].date_generated.decode(), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") # parse filename into several values filename_split = os.path.basename(item["filename"]).split('_') filename_times_split = filename_split[3].split('-') valid_interval_start_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(filename_times_split[0], "%Y%m%d") valid_interval_stop_dt = None if (filename_times_split[1] != '+'): valid_interval_stop_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(filename_times_split[1], "%Y%m%d") # parse date time used into datetime date_time_used_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(item_recarray.generation_info[0].date_time_used.decode(), "%Y%m%d_UT%H") # determine the version version_str = os.path.splitext(item["filename"])[0].split('_')[-1] # create generation info dictionary generation_info_obj = SkymapGenerationInfo( author=item_recarray.generation_info[0].author.decode(), ccd_center=item_recarray.generation_info[0].ccd_center, code_used=item_recarray.generation_info[0].code_used.decode(), data_loc=item_recarray.generation_info[0].data_loc.decode(), date_generated=date_generated_dt, date_time_used=date_time_used_dt, img_flip=item_recarray.generation_info[0].img_flip, optical_orientation=item_recarray.generation_info[0].optical_orientation, optical_projection=item_recarray.generation_info[0].optical_projection, pixel_aspect_ratio=item_recarray.generation_info[0].pixel_aspect_ratio, valid_interval_start=valid_interval_start_dt, valid_interval_stop=valid_interval_stop_dt, ) # add in bytscl_values parameter # # NOTE: bytscl_values was not present in early THEMIS skymap files, so # we conditionally add it if ("bytscl_values" in item_recarray.generation_info[0].dtype.names): generation_info_obj.bytscl_values = item_recarray.generation_info[0].bytscl_values # flip certain things full_elevation_flipped = np.flip(item_recarray.full_elevation, axis=0) full_azimuth_flipped = np.flip(item_recarray.full_azimuth, axis=0) full_map_latitude_flipped = np.flip(item_recarray.full_map_latitude, axis=1) full_map_longitude_flipped = np.flip(item_recarray.full_map_longitude, axis=1) if ("REGO" in item["filename"]): # flip e/w too, but just for REGO (since we do this to the raw data too) full_elevation_flipped = np.flip(full_elevation_flipped, axis=1) full_azimuth_flipped = np.flip(full_azimuth_flipped, axis=1) full_map_latitude_flipped = np.flip(full_map_latitude_flipped, axis=2) full_map_longitude_flipped = np.flip(full_map_longitude_flipped, axis=2) # create object skymap_obj = Skymap( filename=item["filename"], project_uid=item_recarray.project_uid.decode(), site_uid=item_recarray.site_uid.decode(), imager_uid=item_recarray.imager_uid.decode(), site_map_latitude=item_recarray.site_map_latitude, site_map_longitude=item_recarray.site_map_longitude, site_map_altitude=item_recarray.site_map_altitude, full_elevation=full_elevation_flipped, full_azimuth=full_azimuth_flipped, full_map_altitude=item_recarray.full_map_altitude, full_map_latitude=full_map_latitude_flipped, full_map_longitude=full_map_longitude_flipped, version=version_str, generation_info=generation_info_obj, ) # append object skymap_objs.append(skymap_obj) # cast into data object data_obj = Data( data=skymap_objs, timestamp=[], metadata=[], problematic_files=[], calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return data_obj def read_calibration( self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None, ) -> Data: """ Read in UCalgary calibration files. Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading calibration files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data data = func_read_calibration( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, quiet=quiet, ) # convert to return object calibration_objs = [] for item in data: # init item_filename = item["filename"] # determine the version version_str = os.path.splitext(item_filename)[0].split('_')[-1] # parse filename into several values filename_split = os.path.basename(item_filename).split('_') filename_times_split = filename_split[3].split('-') valid_interval_start_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(filename_times_split[0], "%Y%m%d") valid_interval_stop_dt = None if (filename_times_split[1] != '+'): valid_interval_stop_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(filename_times_split[1], "%Y%m%d") # determine the detector UID detector_uid = filename_split[2] file_type = filename_split[1].lower() flat_field_multiplier_value = None rayleighs_perdn_persecond_value = None if (file_type == "flatfield"): for key in item.keys(): if ("flat_field_multiplier" in key): # flip vertically flat_field_multiplier_value = np.flip(item[key], axis=0) # flip horizontally, if REGO if ("REGO" in item_filename): flat_field_multiplier_value = np.flip(flat_field_multiplier_value, axis=1) break elif (file_type == "rayleighs"): for key in item.keys(): if ("rper_dnpersecond" in key): rayleighs_perdn_persecond_value = item[key] break # set input data dir and skymap filename (may exist in the calibration file, may not) author_str = None input_data_dir_str = None skymap_filename_str = None if ("author" in item): author_str = item["author"].decode() if ("input_data_dir" in item): input_data_dir_str = item["input_data_dir"].decode() if ("skymap_filename" in item): skymap_filename_str = item["skymap_filename"].decode() # set generation info object generation_info_obj = CalibrationGenerationInfo( author=author_str, input_data_dir=input_data_dir_str, skymap_filename=skymap_filename_str, valid_interval_start=valid_interval_start_dt, valid_interval_stop=valid_interval_stop_dt, ) # create object calibration_obj = Calibration( filename=item_filename, version=version_str, dataset=dataset, detector_uid=detector_uid, flat_field_multiplier=flat_field_multiplier_value, rayleighs_perdn_persecond=rayleighs_perdn_persecond_value, generation_info=generation_info_obj, ) # append object calibration_objs.append(calibration_obj) # cast into data object data_obj = Data( data=calibration_objs, timestamp=[], metadata=[], problematic_files=[], calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return data_obj def read_grid(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in grid files. Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data data_dict, meta, problematic_files = func_read_grid( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # create grid data object grid_data_obj = GridData( grid=data_dict["grid"], # type: ignore fill_value=float(meta[0]["fill_value"]), source_info=GridSourceInfoData(confidence=data_dict["source_info"]["confidence"]), # type: ignore ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for t in data_dict["timestamp"]: # type: ignore timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(t.decode(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC")) # convert to return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=grid_data_obj, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj


def is_supported(self, dataset_name:str) ‑>bool

Check if a given dataset has file reading support.

Not all datasets available in the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing Open Data Platformhave special readfile routines in this library. This is because some datasets arein basic formats such as JPG or PNG, so unique functions aren't necessary. We leaveit up to the user to open these basic files in whichever way they prefer. Use thelist_supported_read_datasets() function to see all datasets that have specialfile reading functionality in this library.


dataset_name : str
The dataset name to check if file reading is supported. This parameteris required.


Boolean indicating if file reading is supported.

Expand source code
def is_supported(self, dataset_name: str) -> bool: """ Check if a given dataset has file reading support. Not all datasets available in the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing Open Data Platform have special readfile routines in this library. This is because some datasets are in basic formats such as JPG or PNG, so unique functions aren't necessary. We leave it up to the user to open these basic files in whichever way they prefer. Use the `list_supported_read_datasets()` function to see all datasets that have special file reading functionality in this library. Args: dataset_name (str): The dataset name to check if file reading is supported. This parameter is required. Returns: Boolean indicating if file reading is supported. """ supported_datasets = self.list_supported_datasets() if (dataset_name in supported_datasets): return True else: return False
def list_supported_datasets(self) ‑>List[str]

List the datasets which have file reading capabilities supported.


A list of the dataset names with file reading support.

Expand source code
def list_supported_datasets(self) -> List[str]: """ List the datasets which have file reading capabilities supported. Returns: A list of the dataset names with file reading support. """ supported_datasets = [] for var in dir(self): var_lower = var.lower() if ("valid" in var_lower and "readfile_datasets" in var_lower): for dataset in getattr(self, var): supported_datasets.append(dataset) supported_datasets = sorted(supported_datasets) return supported_datasets
def read(self, dataset:Dataset, file_list:Union[List[str],List[pathlib.Path],str,pathlib.Path], n_parallel:int=1, first_record:bool=False, no_metadata:bool=False, quiet:bool=False) ‑>Data

Read in data files for a given dataset. Note that only one type of dataset's datashould be read in using a single call.


dataset : Dataset
The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter isrequired.
file_list : List[str], List[Path], str, Path
The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technicallynecessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to readin multiple files. This parameter is required.
n_parallel : int
Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default valueis 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameteris optional.
first_record : bool
Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frameparameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, andis a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to thefull temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional.
no_metadata : bool
Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed.Default is False. This parameter is optional.
quiet : bool
Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any filesthat encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the problematic_filesattribute of the returned Data object. This parameteris optional.


A Data object containing the data read in, among othervalues.


an unsupported dataset was used whentrying to read files.
a generic read error was encountered


For users who are familiar with the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfilelibraries, the read function provides a near-identical usage. Further improvements havebeen integrated, and those libraries are anticipated to be deprecated at some point in thefuture.

Expand source code
def read(self, dataset: Dataset, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False) -> Data: """ Read in data files for a given dataset. Note that only one type of dataset's data should be read in using a single call. Args: dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is required. file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSUnsupportedReadError: an unsupported dataset was used when trying to read files. pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered Notes: --------- For users who are familiar with the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, the read function provides a near-identical usage. Further improvements have been integrated, and those libraries are anticipated to be deprecated at some point in the future. """ # verify dataset is valid if (dataset is None): raise SRSUnsupportedReadError("Must supply a dataset. If not know, please use the<specific_routine>() function") # read data using the appropriate readfile routine if ( in self.__VALID_THEMIS_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_themis(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_REGO_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_rego(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_TREX_NIR_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_trex_nir(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_TREX_BLUE_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_trex_blue(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_TREX_RGB_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_trex_rgb(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_SKYMAP_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_skymap(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_CALIBRATION_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_calibration(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) elif ( in self.__VALID_GRID_READFILE_DATASETS): return self.read_grid(file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, quiet=quiet, dataset=dataset) else: raise SRSUnsupportedReadError("Dataset does not have a supported read function")
def read_calibration(self, file_list:Union[List[str],List[pathlib.Path],str,pathlib.Path], n_parallel:int=1, quiet:bool=False, dataset:Optional[Dataset]=None) ‑>Data

Read in UCalgary calibration files.


file_list : List[str], List[Path], str, Path
The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technicallynecessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to readin multiple files. This parameter is required.
n_parallel : int
Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default valueis 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameteris optional.
quiet : bool
Do not print out errors while reading calibration files, if any are encountered.Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the problematic_filesattribute of the returned Calibration object. This parameteris optional.
dataset : Dataset
The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter isoptional.


A Data object containing the data read in, among othervalues.


a generic read error was encountered
Expand source code
def read_calibration( self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None,) -> Data: """ Read in UCalgary calibration files. Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading calibration files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data data = func_read_calibration( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, quiet=quiet, ) # convert to return object calibration_objs = [] for item in data: # init item_filename = item["filename"] # determine the version version_str = os.path.splitext(item_filename)[0].split('_')[-1] # parse filename into several values filename_split = os.path.basename(item_filename).split('_') filename_times_split = filename_split[3].split('-') valid_interval_start_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(filename_times_split[0], "%Y%m%d") valid_interval_stop_dt = None if (filename_times_split[1] != '+'): valid_interval_stop_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(filename_times_split[1], "%Y%m%d") # determine the detector UID detector_uid = filename_split[2] file_type = filename_split[1].lower() flat_field_multiplier_value = None rayleighs_perdn_persecond_value = None if (file_type == "flatfield"): for key in item.keys(): if ("flat_field_multiplier" in key): # flip vertically flat_field_multiplier_value = np.flip(item[key], axis=0) # flip horizontally, if REGO if ("REGO" in item_filename): flat_field_multiplier_value = np.flip(flat_field_multiplier_value, axis=1) break elif (file_type == "rayleighs"): for key in item.keys(): if ("rper_dnpersecond" in key): rayleighs_perdn_persecond_value = item[key] break # set input data dir and skymap filename (may exist in the calibration file, may not) author_str = None input_data_dir_str = None skymap_filename_str = None if ("author" in item): author_str = item["author"].decode() if ("input_data_dir" in item): input_data_dir_str = item["input_data_dir"].decode() if ("skymap_filename" in item): skymap_filename_str = item["skymap_filename"].decode() # set generation info object generation_info_obj = CalibrationGenerationInfo( author=author_str, input_data_dir=input_data_dir_str, skymap_filename=skymap_filename_str, valid_interval_start=valid_interval_start_dt, valid_interval_stop=valid_interval_stop_dt, ) # create object calibration_obj = Calibration( filename=item_filename, version=version_str, dataset=dataset, detector_uid=detector_uid, flat_field_multiplier=flat_field_multiplier_value, rayleighs_perdn_persecond=rayleighs_perdn_persecond_value, generation_info=generation_info_obj, ) # append object calibration_objs.append(calibration_obj) # cast into data object data_obj = Data( data=calibration_objs, timestamp=[], metadata=[], problematic_files=[], calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return data_obj
def read_grid(self, file_list:Union[List[str],List[pathlib.Path],str,pathlib.Path], n_parallel:int=1, first_record:bool=False, no_metadata:bool=False, quiet:bool=False, dataset:Optional[Dataset]=None) ‑>Data

Read in grid files.


file_list : List[str], List[Path], str, Path
The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technicallynecessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to readin multiple files. This parameter is required.
n_parallel : int
Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default valueis 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameteris optional.
first_record : bool
Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frameparameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, andis a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to thefull temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional.
no_metadata : bool
Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed.Default is False. This parameter is optional.
quiet : bool
Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any filesthat encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the problematic_filesattribute of the returned Data object. This parameteris optional.
dataset : Dataset
The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter isoptional.


A Data object containing the data read in, among othervalues.


a generic read error was encountered
Expand source code
def read_grid(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in grid files. Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data data_dict, meta, problematic_files = func_read_grid( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # create grid data object grid_data_obj = GridData( grid=data_dict["grid"], # type: ignore fill_value=float(meta[0]["fill_value"]), source_info=GridSourceInfoData(confidence=data_dict["source_info"]["confidence"]), # type: ignore ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for t in data_dict["timestamp"]: # type: ignore timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(t.decode(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC")) # convert to return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=grid_data_obj, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj
def read_rego(self, file_list:Union[List[str],List[pathlib.Path],str,pathlib.Path], n_parallel:int=1, first_record:bool=False, no_metadata:bool=False, quiet:bool=False, dataset:Optional[Dataset]=None) ‑>Data

Read in REGO raw data (stream0 pgm* files).


file_list : List[str], List[Path], str, Path
The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technicallynecessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to readin multiple files. This parameter is required.
n_parallel : int
Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default valueis 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameteris optional.
first_record : bool
Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frameparameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, andis a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to thefull temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional.
no_metadata : bool
Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed.Default is False. This parameter is optional.
quiet : bool
Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any filesthat encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the problematic_filesattribute of the returned Data object. This parameteris optional.
dataset : Dataset
The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter isoptional.


A Data object containing the data read in, among othervalues.


a generic read error was encountered
Expand source code
def read_rego(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in REGO raw data (stream0 pgm* files). Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data img, meta, problematic_files = func_read_rego( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for m in meta: timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["Image request start"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) # convert to return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=img, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj
def read_skymap(self, file_list:Union[List[str],List[pathlib.Path],str,pathlib.Path], n_parallel:int=1, quiet:bool=False, dataset:Optional[Dataset]=None) ‑>Data

Read in UCalgary skymap files.


file_list : List[str], List[Path], str, Path
The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technicallynecessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to readin multiple files. This parameter is required.
n_parallel : int
Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default valueis 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameteris optional.
quiet : bool
Do not print out errors while reading skymap files, if any are encountered. Anyfiles that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the problematic_filesattribute of the returned Skymap object. This parameteris optional.
dataset : Dataset
The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter isoptional.


A Data object containing the data read in, among othervalues.


a generic read error was encountered
Expand source code
def read_skymap( self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None,) -> Data: """ Read in UCalgary skymap files. Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading skymap files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data data = func_read_skymap( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, quiet=quiet, ) # convert to return object skymap_objs = [] for item in data: # init item item_recarray = item["skymap"][0] # parse valid start and end times into datetimes date_generated_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(item_recarray.generation_info[0].date_generated.decode(), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") # parse filename into several values filename_split = os.path.basename(item["filename"]).split('_') filename_times_split = filename_split[3].split('-') valid_interval_start_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(filename_times_split[0], "%Y%m%d") valid_interval_stop_dt = None if (filename_times_split[1] != '+'): valid_interval_stop_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(filename_times_split[1], "%Y%m%d") # parse date time used into datetime date_time_used_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(item_recarray.generation_info[0].date_time_used.decode(), "%Y%m%d_UT%H") # determine the version version_str = os.path.splitext(item["filename"])[0].split('_')[-1] # create generation info dictionary generation_info_obj = SkymapGenerationInfo( author=item_recarray.generation_info[0].author.decode(), ccd_center=item_recarray.generation_info[0].ccd_center, code_used=item_recarray.generation_info[0].code_used.decode(), data_loc=item_recarray.generation_info[0].data_loc.decode(), date_generated=date_generated_dt, date_time_used=date_time_used_dt, img_flip=item_recarray.generation_info[0].img_flip, optical_orientation=item_recarray.generation_info[0].optical_orientation, optical_projection=item_recarray.generation_info[0].optical_projection, pixel_aspect_ratio=item_recarray.generation_info[0].pixel_aspect_ratio, valid_interval_start=valid_interval_start_dt, valid_interval_stop=valid_interval_stop_dt, ) # add in bytscl_values parameter # # NOTE: bytscl_values was not present in early THEMIS skymap files, so # we conditionally add it if ("bytscl_values" in item_recarray.generation_info[0].dtype.names): generation_info_obj.bytscl_values = item_recarray.generation_info[0].bytscl_values # flip certain things full_elevation_flipped = np.flip(item_recarray.full_elevation, axis=0) full_azimuth_flipped = np.flip(item_recarray.full_azimuth, axis=0) full_map_latitude_flipped = np.flip(item_recarray.full_map_latitude, axis=1) full_map_longitude_flipped = np.flip(item_recarray.full_map_longitude, axis=1) if ("REGO" in item["filename"]): # flip e/w too, but just for REGO (since we do this to the raw data too) full_elevation_flipped = np.flip(full_elevation_flipped, axis=1) full_azimuth_flipped = np.flip(full_azimuth_flipped, axis=1) full_map_latitude_flipped = np.flip(full_map_latitude_flipped, axis=2) full_map_longitude_flipped = np.flip(full_map_longitude_flipped, axis=2) # create object skymap_obj = Skymap( filename=item["filename"], project_uid=item_recarray.project_uid.decode(), site_uid=item_recarray.site_uid.decode(), imager_uid=item_recarray.imager_uid.decode(), site_map_latitude=item_recarray.site_map_latitude, site_map_longitude=item_recarray.site_map_longitude, site_map_altitude=item_recarray.site_map_altitude, full_elevation=full_elevation_flipped, full_azimuth=full_azimuth_flipped, full_map_altitude=item_recarray.full_map_altitude, full_map_latitude=full_map_latitude_flipped, full_map_longitude=full_map_longitude_flipped, version=version_str, generation_info=generation_info_obj, ) # append object skymap_objs.append(skymap_obj) # cast into data object data_obj = Data( data=skymap_objs, timestamp=[], metadata=[], problematic_files=[], calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return data_obj
def read_themis(self, file_list:Union[List[str],List[pathlib.Path],str,pathlib.Path], n_parallel:int=1, first_record:bool=False, no_metadata:bool=False, quiet:bool=False, dataset:Optional[Dataset]=None) ‑>Data

Read in THEMIS ASI raw data (stream0 full.pgm* files).


file_list : List[str], List[Path], str, Path
The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technicallynecessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to readin multiple files. This parameter is required.
n_parallel : int
Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default valueis 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameteris optional.
first_record : bool
Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frameparameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, andis a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to thefull temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional.
no_metadata : bool
Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed.Default is False. This parameter is optional.
quiet : bool
Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any filesthat encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the problematic_filesattribute of the returned Data object. This parameteris optional.
dataset : Dataset
The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter isoptional.


A Data object containing the data read in, among othervalues.


a generic read error was encountered
Expand source code
def read_themis(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in THEMIS ASI raw data (stream0 full.pgm* files). Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data img, meta, problematic_files = func_read_themis( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for m in meta: timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["Image request start"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) # convert to return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=img, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj
def read_trex_blue(self, file_list:Union[List[str],List[pathlib.Path],str,pathlib.Path], n_parallel:int=1, first_record:bool=False, no_metadata:bool=False, quiet:bool=False, dataset:Optional[Dataset]=None) ‑>Data

Read in TREx Blueline raw data (stream0 pgm* files).


file_list : List[str], List[Path], str, Path
The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technicallynecessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to readin multiple files. This parameter is required.
n_parallel : int
Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default valueis 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameteris optional.
first_record : bool
Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frameparameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, andis a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to thefull temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional.
no_metadata : bool
Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed.Default is False. This parameter is optional.
quiet : bool
Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any filesthat encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the problematic_filesattribute of the returned Data object. This parameteris optional.
dataset : Dataset
The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter isoptional.


A Data object containing the data read in, among othervalues.


a generic read error was encountered
Expand source code
def read_trex_blue(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in TREx Blueline raw data (stream0 pgm* files). Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data img, meta, problematic_files = func_read_trex_blue( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for m in meta: timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["Image request start"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) # convert to return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=img, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj
def read_trex_nir(self, file_list:Union[List[str],List[pathlib.Path],str,pathlib.Path], n_parallel:int=1, first_record:bool=False, no_metadata:bool=False, quiet:bool=False, dataset:Optional[Dataset]=None) ‑>Data

Read in TREx near-infrared (NIR) raw data (stream0 pgm* files).


file_list : List[str], List[Path], str, Path
The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technicallynecessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to readin multiple files. This parameter is required.
n_parallel : int
Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default valueis 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameteris optional.
first_record : bool
Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frameparameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, andis a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to thefull temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional.
no_metadata : bool
Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed.Default is False. This parameter is optional.
quiet : bool
Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any filesthat encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the problematic_filesattribute of the returned Data object. This parameteris optional.
dataset : Dataset
The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter isoptional.


A Data object containing the data read in, among othervalues.


a generic read error was encountered
Expand source code
def read_trex_nir(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in TREx near-infrared (NIR) raw data (stream0 pgm* files). Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data img, meta, problematic_files = func_read_trex_nir( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for m in meta: timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["Image request start"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) # convert to appropriate return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=img, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj
def read_trex_rgb(self, file_list:Union[List[str],List[pathlib.Path],str,pathlib.Path], n_parallel:int=1, first_record:bool=False, no_metadata:bool=False, quiet:bool=False, dataset:Optional[Dataset]=None) ‑>Data

Read in TREx RGB raw data (stream0 h5, stream0.burst png.tar, unstable stream0 and stream0.colour pgm and png).


file_list : List[str], List[Path], str, Path
The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technicallynecessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to readin multiple files. This parameter is required.
n_parallel : int
Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default valueis 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameteris optional.
first_record : bool
Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frameparameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, andis a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to thefull temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional.
no_metadata : bool
Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed.Default is False. This parameter is optional.
quiet : bool
Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any filesthat encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the problematic_filesattribute of the returned Data object. This parameteris optional.
dataset : Dataset
The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter isoptional.


A Data object containing the data read in, among othervalues.


a generic read error was encountered
Expand source code
def read_trex_rgb(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in TREx RGB raw data (stream0 h5, stream0.burst png.tar, unstable stream0 and stream0.colour pgm* and png*). Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data img, meta, problematic_files = func_read_trex_rgb( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for m in meta: if ("image_request_start_timestamp" in m): timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["image_request_start_timestamp"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) elif ("Image request start" in m): timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["Image request start"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) else: raise SRSError("Unexpected timestamp metadata format") # convert to return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=img, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj
def read_trex_spectrograph(self, file_list:Union[List[str],List[pathlib.Path],str,pathlib.Path], n_parallel:int=1, first_record:bool=False, no_metadata:bool=False, quiet:bool=False, dataset:Optional[Dataset]=None) ‑>Data

Read in TREx Spectrograph raw data (stream0 pgm* files).


file_list : List[str], List[Path], str, Path
The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technicallynecessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to readin multiple files. This parameter is required.
n_parallel : int
Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default valueis 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameteris optional.
first_record : bool
Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frameparameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, andis a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to thefull temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional.
no_metadata : bool
Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed.Default is False. This parameter is optional.
quiet : bool
Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any filesthat encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the problematic_filesattribute of the returned Data object. This parameteris optional.
dataset : Dataset
The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter isoptional.


A Data object containing the data read in, among othervalues.


a generic read error was encountered
Expand source code
def read_trex_spectrograph(self, file_list: Union[List[str], List[Path], str, Path], n_parallel: int = 1, first_record: bool = False, no_metadata: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Data: """ Read in TREx Spectrograph raw data (stream0 pgm* files). Args: file_list (List[str], List[Path], str, Path): The files to read in. Absolute paths are recommended, but not technically necessary. This can be a single string for a file, or a list of strings to read in multiple files. This parameter is required. n_parallel (int): Number of data files to read in parallel using multiprocessing. Default value is 1. Adjust according to your computer's available resources. This parameter is optional. first_record (bool): Only read in the first record in each file. This is the same as the first_frame parameter in the themis-imager-readfile and trex-imager-readfile libraries, and is a read optimization if you only need one image per minute, as opposed to the full temporal resolution of data (e.g., 3sec cadence). This parameter is optional. no_metadata (bool): Skip reading of metadata. This is a minor optimization if the metadata is not needed. Default is `False`. This parameter is optional. quiet (bool): Do not print out errors while reading data files, if any are encountered. Any files that encounter errors will be, as usual, accessible via the `problematic_files` attribute of the returned `` object. This parameter is optional. dataset ( The dataset object for which the files are associated with. This parameter is optional. Returns: A `` object containing the data read in, among other values. Raises: pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSError: a generic read error was encountered """ # read data img, meta, problematic_files = func_read_trex_spectrograph( file_list, n_parallel=n_parallel, first_record=first_record, no_metadata=no_metadata, quiet=quiet, ) # generate timestamp array timestamp_list = [] if (no_metadata is False): for m in meta: timestamp_list.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(m["Image request start"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) # convert to return type problematic_files_objs = [] for p in problematic_files: problematic_files_objs.append(ProblematicFile(p["filename"], error_message=p["error_message"], error_type="error")) ret_obj = Data( data=img, timestamp=timestamp_list, metadata=meta, problematic_files=problematic_files_objs, calibrated_data=None, dataset=dataset, ) # return return ret_obj API documentation (2024)


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