Rise Of The Separatists Pdf (2024)

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2. SWRPG - Rise of the Seperatists.pdf - pdfcoffee.com

  • The Separatists led by the sinister Count Dooku and with a droid army tommended by the remorseless General Grievous, strike at Republic targets and -nnocent ...

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SWRPG - Rise of the Seperatists.pdf - pdfcoffee.com

3. Rise of The Separatists (SWR11) - pdfcoffee.com

Rise of The Separatists (SWR11) - pdfcoffee.com

4. The Amber Room - Telegram

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Rise Of The Separatists Pdf (2024)


Why did the separatists hate the Republic? ›

The galaxy at large returned to the political squabbles that would form the basis of the Separatists Crisis, with concerns about the Republic's effectiveness beginning to arise in some corners of the Senate itself. Palpatine's work at berating conglomerates also helped lead to the Separatist Crisis.

Were the separatists going to win? ›

First and foremost it should be stated, the Separatists were never designed to win from their inception. For the Separatists to win, Palpatine would have to die, and Count Dooku would need to take over as leader of the Separatists in its totality.

Do the separatists become the empire? ›

Massacre on Mustafar

The Separatist leadership in hiding on Mustafar after the war ended. Following this, the Galactic Republic reformed into the Galactic Empire, with Palpatine declaring himself Galactic Emperor.

What happened to the remaining separatists? ›

All the remaining Separatist forces loyal to Toora were destroyed in the battle along with their leader, ending Separatist resistance in that region of space.

Did Palpatine start the Separatists? ›

Of course, this was Palpatine's plan all along, as the true mastermind behind the Separatist Movement.

Is the Republic good or bad in Star Wars? ›

The Galactic Republic more commonly known as the Republic was a major Star Wars villainous government next the Galactic Empire. They were a government secretly ruled by the Sith and was the government that lasted for millions of years ruled by the Jedi.

Why were the Separatists killed? ›

When Vader arrived, however, he assassinated each member of the Separatist Council in order to bring an end to the Separatist rebellion against the Republic. As Vader arrived on Mustafar, Chancellor Palpatine publicly declared himself as the galaxy's Emperor and transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire.

Who did Palpatine want to win? ›

Separatist Crisis. Palpatine had now completed his two four-year terms as Chancellor, and his army was nearly at the ready. Now he needed a full-scale galactic war to overthrow the Republic, eliminate the Jedi, and restore a long-vanished golden age where the Sith would rule the galaxy once again.

Did the Separatists commit war crimes? ›

Though a significant amount of time after the First and Second Battles on Ryloth, the Separatists still committed war crimes on the planet, specifically regarding a set of civilians they had taken hostage in one of their mountain bases.

What would Palpatine have done if the Separatists won? ›

Palpatine Still Betrays Dooku

Dooku's charisma and political savvy rivaled Palpatine's and Sidious wouldn't be able to rule the Separatists in his Palpatine identity. Palpatine would need to find both a new Sith apprentice and a new puppet ruler for the Separatists who'd keep the regime unified as well as Dooku did.

Why did the cis lose? ›

The Confederacy won many battles in the ensuing war but was dissolved when they were betrayed by Sidious, who had the Separatist Council leaders massacred by his apprentice Darth Vader on Mustafar, allowing Sidious to reform the Republic into the Galactic Empire.

How did the Separatists end? ›

Sidious sent Skywalker to Mustafar, where he slaughtered the members of the Separatist Council. The Separatist Alliance was defeated and the war was over. And Darth Sidious was now Emperor Palpatine, the unquestioned ruler of the Galactic Empire and its massive war machine.

What was the goal of the separatists? ›

Separatists want autonomy - they want to govern or control themselves, be independent, and make their own decisions. This is true of religious or political separatists. Regardless of the group they are separating from, separatists believe their lives would be better if they became independent.

Who persecuted the separatists? ›

The Separatist movement was initially illegal in England, and many of its adherents were persecuted by the state and its church. Often labeled as traitors, many Separatists fled England for more tolerant lands.

Who were the separatists and what are they called today? ›

The Mayflower Pilgrims were also known as Separatists because of their controversial religious views. Their key belief was that people should not be tied to their local parish church and should be free to gather with other like-minded Christians to form independent autonomous churches.

Why did the Separatists want to separate? ›

Separatists want autonomy - they want to govern or control themselves, be independent, and make their own decisions. This is true of religious or political separatists. Regardless of the group they are separating from, separatists believe their lives would be better if they became independent.

Why were the Separatists the bad guys? ›

The Separatists were always the pawns of sinister megacorporations. These megacorporations were, themselves, the pawns of Count Dooku, who was the pawn of Palpatine. The Republic, similarly, literally had Palpatine (who was secretly Darth Sidious) a its leader.

What is the war between the Republic and the Separatists? ›

During the Clone Wars, fighting between the Republic and the Separatists continued. Jedi were sent to help the clone armies overcome their enemies. The droid armies fought to hold more planets in its grip. For three years the fighting took place across the Galaxy.

What are the Separatists fighting for? ›

The Confederacy of Independent Systems, also known as the Separatist Alliance, was a collection of star systems and corporate titans that left the Republic and fought for independence against the Republic's clone armies and Jedi Knights.


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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.