The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

SEVEN jv a SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 17, 1904 THE PrrrSBTJRG PRESS IARKET SHOWS CONSUMPTION Cured by new LUNG DEVELOPER KING ALFONSO A SCORCHER BUI to Regulate Speed of Boy King's Auto Not Passed IMPROVEMENT TWO MINERS HAD NARROW ESCAPE Were Burled Under Pile of Slate for Eleven flours gladly end it to all who iwer this JOSEPH HORNE CO. til advertisem*nt to Try FREE Pay Whin Satisfied. I want every one who has catarrh, bronchitis, a cough, "lingering cold." Saturday December 17 1904. Result Sev- Weather Snow. Yesterday Max.

S3, Min. 11. Tuvii uuiiuiiig iiiii In Purchases of eral Sites For Jolly Christmas Shopping Be With Us This Evening. or any other of the symptoms of deadly Consumption, to send me his or her name. I will send by return mail my new Ozonized Lnng Developer, to Madrid.

December 17. King Alfonso has developed Into an auto scorcher. His majesty has taken to speeding his auto, at the rate of 30 miles an hour, through the principal streets of Madrid, and has spread consternation among the vehicles EW FURNACE IS PROJECTED. gether with my new 3-fold Rational Special SOc. of Treatment, which is producing- such marvelous results in checking and repairing the ravages of pul Two miners in the employ of the Pittsburg Terminal Coal mines at Wil-lock station, had a narrow escape from being crushed to death yesterday morning.

After heing entombed under the slate for 11 hours, they were finally extricated and taken to their homes. The in lured men were: JOHN FAUST, aged 36 years, left leg fractured and bruised and cut about the bodv and head. HARRY MATLOSKT, aged 23 years, a helper to Mr. Faust, injured about the lower limbs and left arm. The two men were working- in the mines yesterday morning when a auantiti- of slate and roof of the CVERAL SALES OF GOOD PROPOR TIONS ARE REPORTED- 8:30 5:30 monary diseases and building-up wasted tissues.

If you are fully satisfied with the benefit from this treatment, send me Five Dollars; If not. don't send me a cent. You decide. EN ERAL NOTES OF REALTY. mine caved rn- The men were working near a coal wagon, which they were leading, and the slate fell on both sides of the wagon, covering them.

Other workmen rushed to the scene of the accident and fair degTPe of activity was evidenced the local real estate market yesterday indications are that several inter- Dr. Hill's Ozonized I.nuK Developer. The store will be open tonight and every other night up to and including next Saturday. Those who live out along the various lines of electric railway need not go home for evening: dinner as we serve in the Restaurant a Table Hote Dinner to 8:30 worthy of any epicure. After partaking of such an ample menu as here set forth, and for which the cost is but a trifle, one will be well prepared to devote several hours to looking over the thousands and thousands of gift things that will be seen about the store.

To make the first night of open storekeeping an interesting one we purpose having some specjal sales in several of the departments, and as special heard the cries of the men under the ting transactions wili be uncovered this and pedestrians by his acts. There have been numerous narrow escapes from colliding with pedestrians and. street cars. The Viscount Campn Gronde has introduced a bill in the Senate regulating this new hobby of the king, in Introducing his measure the viscount saw it was Incumbent on the government to preserve the king's life, despite himself. The government, however, acting on Alfonso's request, refused to endorse the bill.

ADOPTION OF TREATIES URGED IN MASS MEETING. New York, December 17. A mass meeting called to urge the prompt ratification of the arbitration treaties recently signed by the State department with several the leading foreign powers was heli last night at Carnegie Hall under the auspices of the New York executive committee of the American conference and International arbitration. John Crosby Brown, in an opening address, expressed regret at the absence of Andrew Carnegie, who was to have opened the meeting, but who. he said, could not be present.

Mayor George B. McClellan presided and was the first elate. A tube was driven through the This remarkable Developer enables temoon. It is understood that there at least three deal of big propor-ns closed, but the brokers handling you not only to build new cell tissue by Oyter. Blif Folnta.

Soup, Tomato or Vegetable, Ribs of Beef, or Meak. or Chops, or Eggs, or Oyatera. aar atj-le, Vegetable. Corn or Peaa. Salad.

Chicken or Potatoes. Dessert, Ice Cream or Fie. Potables, Coffee, Tea or MUIs. Cbeese, American. systematic exercise of the lungs, but em say that they are requested by the slate to the opening where the men were entombed to give them fresh air while their rescuers worked.

As many as could be crowded in the entry were put to work in removing the slate, and after 11 hours they finally reached the men, who were in an exhausted condition. The injured tereated oarties to withhold ail details. also to send oxonized air into lung; cells not now used. The effect is immediate The most important deal put through the pulse is quickened, the nerves re- sterday was maae by J. B.

ir ItzglbDcn, the Real Estate Corporation, who sold the Torrance Land fc. to Max Solo- I inforced. the anoetite increased. were taken to the office of Dr. c.

i of Havs borough, where their in- iuries were dressed and they were later If you have the hacking cough or any I of the throat and lung weaknesses that are the sure signs of Tuberculosis, or if there is a record of Consumption in on, the junk dealer of Beaver J-alls. acres on the south side of Chartiers t-ek, for 512. The broker a Id to Mr. Solomon 11 acres adjoining. taken to their homes.

TO CURE A COLD IN OXE DAY. your family history, don't delay, but fnich were owned bv the West Carnegie jtnd for making the total send your name today to Dr. J. Law-; rence 3. Hill Apartments, Jack- Take Laxative Bromo Tablets.

All drtieeifts refund the money if it fails to cure. son, Mich. A splendid book (in colorsi E. W. Grove's signature is on each box.

Zx speaker. He called attention to the fact i on pulmonary diseases comes free with the treatment. If you enclose 15 cents I will also prepay all express charges. Urodfriok Baicom, St. Louts, nsideration Mr.

Solomon re-ntly moved his yard from Beaver ills to the former plot, which, with late purchase, gives him a frontage 1.500 feet on a spur of the tilroad and also connections Cith the ttsburg Lake Erie Railroad. Upon site lie will erect an cpen-hearth mace, which will employ at If at rite now there risk in delay. sales mean less than regular prices they will appeal to people who habitually upon the economical side of all purchases. The diversity of these sales will be understood from what is set forth below. n.

Avrarded the' OSLV Grand Frixe. Special to The Press. St. Louis. December 16.

World's Fair Superior Jury confirmed awards to Brod-c-nck Baseom for the only grand prizes for wire rope. Also awarded them the onlv grand prize on underground mine haulage. This display, pronounced the handsomest one-article display at the fair, received five highest awards. R. S.

Wilson purchased through Coyie Securities, Money and Jewelry are not safe In Private Residence, Apartment House or Hotel. i os. a three-story brick apartment Ivy street, near Ellsworth avenue. kventieth ward, valued at In 7 Put yours In Tonight In the Women's Glve Dep't that the United States has taken part 47 arbitrations, and has been a party to more than half of the worlds arbitrations. M.

Bruce, lieutenant governor-elect, spoke against deciding differences between nations by war. and was followed by Archbishop Ireland. Letters of regret from Grover Cleveland, Carl Schurz and John Mitchell were lead. MOTHER GAVE LIFE IN VAIN FOR CHILD. Mrs.

Elizabeth Dittmar. aged 33 years, of No. 3 Homer street, Allegheny, died last night from burns received in trying to rescue a child who was WTapped in flames. On November 20 the child was playing under a table, when it upset a lamp. The burning oil fell on the child and her clothes were soon enveloped.

The mother attempted to rescue her, but the child was so badly burned that she died In a short time. BOUNDARY MARKERS rt payment was tendered a tract 01 acres in Hopewell township. Beaver unty. and five lots in the Rosslyn plan, est Carnegie, the farm and lets being Hied at The building: stands 30x100 feet and contains lii rooms. The Her Is a local realty operator.

First Floor. East. fhe salt has been closed by (1. Paul Tonight In the Oriental Rug Dep't Fourth Floor, West, we will sell $18.00 and $20.00 Daghestan Rugs, 3 by 5 feet, one of the best specimens of Oriental Rugs that we import direct, the site at Shadv avenue and Aurelia The Union Safe Deposit Vaults Frick Building (opposite Court House) reet to the Natatorium Co. The prop- Tonight In the Umbrella Department First Floor, iZt, we will sell the following Umbrellas for men and women at half price: $10.00 Umbrellas for 5.00.

$18.00 Umbrellas for 9.00. $20.00 Umbrellas for $10.00. $25.00 Umbrellas for $12.50. Tonight la the Women's Handkerchief Dep't First Floor. Eaet.

we will sell various grades of Handkerchiefs, 15c, 18c, 25c values variously finished, including initials, including sheer handkerchiefs, for lOl 12 ty was formerly owned by the Home ust Co and has a frontage of 150 feet i Shady avenue by an average of ISO et. improved with a brick house. i he nsideration was SfjO.tHxi. it is expected at Architect C. Sauer wiil soon take and they will be safe 1s on the building to be erected.

hrUtmas Exenrsion Rates, Pittsburg; fc Lake Erie R. R. Cm December 24. 25, 26 and 31. and Jan-uarv 1 and 2, agents will sell round trip tickets to all points at rate of one fare end one-third.

Holiday rates from Pittsburg to Cleveland. $5.35: Chicago. $14.00: Detroit. $11.10: Erie. Buffalo, Youngstown, $2.75.

PROPOSE TO BUILD A NEW SUEZ CANAL. London. December 17. There is much discussion in shipping circles of Great Britain over a proposal to cut a new Suez canal to parallel the existing one. The scheme was proposed in 18S2, when a survey was made.

The agitation arises from a revolt on the part of ship owners against what they contend are the excessive canal dues, which exceed the cost of coal for a voyage round the Cape of Good Hope, for which reason many cargo carriers are unable to use the canal. It is instanced that it cost Russia 17,000 to get the Baltic fleet-through the canal. for (each) $12.00 Joseph Shaffer, who some time aco Id his property on lower Wood street Hartje has leased the Frank mple property at No. 2oi Wood street TO BESHIPPED SOON. The 25 bronze monuments, whtch will be used to mark a portion of the boundaiy between the United States and Canada three years at per year.

The is 20xSO feet on the fst side of the Tonight will be finished in about two weeks at Tonight In the Silk Department we will sell women's French Suede and Mocha Suede Gloves, medium and heavy weights, black and colors, qualities that usually retail for $1.50 and $i-75 QCr at (a pair) OJL Tonight in the Bedding Department West Basem*nt. we will sell 100 Cotton Filled Comforts, double-bed size, $1.25 grade, Qr for 73 Also loo Down Comforts double-bed size, $6. so erade for reet, near Third aver.ii-, and is mi-oved with a. four-story brick building. T.

W. Sherrer so'd for J. G. Evans to nnie B. Blaekmnro.

a lot. feet, the west side of avenue, Eilge-od. for also for W. C. Ander-n to Alivia Love, an unimproved lot, xlOO feet, on Broad street, for f3.XK.

First Floor. Weft the works of the Lawrenceville Bronze and shipped to the northern frontier. This will complete an order for 100. which was placed by the Government with the Pittsburg firm several months ago. When placed in position, the north of each marker will be inscribed "Canada." and the south side "United States." Tonight In the China Department Third Floor.

Eaet. we will sell China Salt and Pepper Shakers, prettily decorated in Dresden designs, for just one-half of what they have heretofore Ik. Peter F. Wagner sold through James Griffith a modern frame house of In the Toy Department Fast Basem*nt, we will sell the following Dolls for reduced prices: 50c and 75c Dressed Dolls, 40c each. $2.50 and $3.50 Dressed Dolls, $1.50 each.

These will be on special table at foot of stairs. ijht rooms on 30x100 feet, on Seventh enue, near Broadway, West Liberty, $4,200. Joseph A. Cook was the we will sell $1.25 and $1.50 Fancy Silks for 75c and $1.00. 85c and $1.00 Foulard Silks for 50c a yard.

$1.00 black Crepe de Chine for 75c a yard. $1.00, Black Taffeta for 75c a yard. CAP1TA1 a 5URFLUS RealEstate Trust Ca iyer. John hotter nought troni J. ft Brighfs Disease Cured Kressler, an improved lot.

jixI-'O on Elgin avenue, Nineteenth ward, 53.O00. 25c sold for (each) Elizabeth A. Woods sold Elizabeth J. By Thompson's Barosma. No Return of the Disease after v.

Tonight In the Dress Woolens Dep't Tonight On a Special Large Table CHAMBERS GOES INTO A NEW VENTURE. Toledo, December 17. James A. Chambers, of Pittsburg, late of the American Window Glass Association, has been in this city several days negotiating for the control of the glass fruit par manufacturing business. He Is forming a syndicate to take over all the Owens patents on the mechanical blowing of fruit jars.

The matter has been virtually arranged. rinrW Is President. E. A. S.

Clark, a native of Pittsburg, and recently connected with the Dear-lng Harvester of Chicago, has accepted the presidency of the Laekawana Steel at Buffalo, at a salary of $50,000 a year. Mr. Clark left Pittsburg when he was about 23 years of age and went to Chicago, where he entered the laboratory of the old Union Steel arid has ever since been connected with the steel buei-nss. The Laekawana Steel Co. is a large Independent corporation, and ranks with Jones Laughlin Steel Co.

and the Republic- Iron Steel Co. First Floor. West. West Storf, Six Years. I had been troubled with Kidney and iLlver complaint for Bererai years.

I had suffered with a dull, heavy pain, the back. I had gradualy be-! (come all run down. A great deal of 'the time my stomach was filled with, gas and I was growing very nervous! 'and was constantly suffering withi 'headache. Finally I discovered aj 'white, cloudy sediment in my urine; iwhich frightened me, for I knew then I had Bright's Disease. I began taking! ipler a lot.

24x100 feet on Broad street, ineteenth ward, for Work has been started on tho second the Shadyside courts to be erected by Shadyside Land on Center ave-ie, near Cypress street, the first build-g was completed several weeks ago and nslsts of 18 suites. The second build-g will be a counterpart of it, being a ree-story brick structure about 50x162 et. The estimated cost of the buildings each. Mrs. G.

B. Sterrett, of New York, sold rough the Commonwealth Real Estate to Louis Friedman, Xos. 211S-2122 ebster-aventie, at the corner of Trent reet, Eleventh ward, three houses on x-SO feet, for The yearly rental the property is f'JOO. Coyle Bros, sold for Elizabeth D. Crylj C.

Kramer a lot. oOxloO feet, on Ter-ce street, near Iarragh street. Four-enth ward, for $3,250. The puchaser ill impove with a residence. David Mclntyre bought from Thomas okes 'an improved lot, 24xlJo feet, on irj-aid street, Nineteenth ward, for we will sell 46-inch pure silk and wool Eolienne Crepe, rich lustrous finish navy blue, pink, brown, lavender, turquoise, gray, champagne and cream, $1.00 value, at (per yard) OOC we will sell bottles of Perfume, Spun Glass Jars, and Pincushions, each of them a regular 25c value, for the special low price of (each) IUC AQuestionableTitle) Thompsons Barosma, Kidney ana Piira of ntiKfl and thrftB hnttlftH In the noret Incumbrance Real Estate can have Title Insurance makes all clear.

UNION-FIDELITY TITLE IXSUR. Tonight In the Bric-a-Brac Department Third Floor, East, we will sell Hand-Painted and Gold-Decorated Austrian Glass Bonbon Dishes, 4-inch sizes, original price $2.00, our special price $1.00 Tonight In the Candy Department First Floor. East. we will sell a very good grade of Candy, a grade that no one will have the least hesitancy in pronouncing fine to the taste, for, (per -irk pound) J-UL 'seemed to cure me, but to insure a ASCE 341 Fourth Ave. 341 permanent cure I took three bottles: more.

Although this was six year I have had no bad symptoms since audi have been perfectly free from pain. THANK K. STTTRGIS, Sturtevant, Tfie Pittsburg Triist Co. sold to "Mary Stone Cotters Lockout. Barre.

December 17. Thirty-five hundred stone cutters in Barre. North-field. Montpelier and vicinity, have been locked out by order of the Granite Manufacturers' Association, of this city. The lockout was caused by a strike of cutters at the Ellis Co.

shed, at Northeld, last Wednesday. iLamb a lot. "oxl'S feet, on UilewUd I rr-ourf rvrrl Pn Ta. ThonjrjBOn'B BaXOS-1 -iet. Thirty-seventh ward, for SI.

loo. Thomas Thorns sold to John Stuin- Little ads in The Press Columns bring big returns. Tonight 9o the Bric-a-Brac Department Third Floor. East. we will sell Japanese Umbrella Jars, decorated in blue and white.

24 inches high, a pretty piece for the hall, worth $1.75, for the Tonight In the Fur Department Second Floor. West. we will sell $8.00 Sable and Isabella Scarfs, large brush tails, for $6.00. Children's Sets of White Lamb and Angora, Muff and Scarf, $2.00 value, for y. $1.50 set.

n. Tonight In the Women's Waist Dep't trroond Floor. West. 7 we will sell Cashmere and Mohair Waists plain and plaids all sizes, 32 to 44 bust and $3.00 values for $1.00. Women's Colored Flannel Waists up to date styles, $2.50 qualities for $1.50 each.

toiL. Tonight In the Hat and Cap Dep't t'eeond Floor. EaFt. we will sell Boys' Plush Polo Caps, black, two different grades, that have sold for $1.50 and $2.00, a unn an improved Id, Hfixioo feet, on jgio, SOc and (dependence street, Thirty-sixth ward. Tonight In the House Furnishing Dep't West Basem*nt.

I we will sell $5.00 Chafing Dishes for $3.50. $2.50 White Enamel Framed Mirrors, for $1.75. Fancy China Candlesticks, trimmed with nickle, at 45c from 75c; at 65c from at $1.00 from $1.50. lteeorlel vans. Johti to lack burn, Dec 7.

Edgfwd, 5ox.TX, Maple Ft wman, to Jane tMvnn, Nov 12. th wd. MoXeeFiort, 62 Bowman $1.50 special price of (each) Strongest in the World. 2.R00 1.10" I 2,500 S.OOO 21,000 8.OO0 Malf A Million In ayhurn. N.

fav I. A. Sept 0, 16th wa. Pbg. 2(1x60.

Helvldere st oward, C. to Lawton It Co, rec rt. Elliott, 24xll, Love ave upert. Way land, to Lawton It Co, May 1( Elliott, 144x117. Klizabeth st.

ayburn. N. to May lo. Baldwin tw Lio lots, 1C1- wynn plan cKown, C. to Anna Ague.

Dec 14, Sewicklev. Teebles st --rkhart, Charles. A .1 Tufflngburs, Tonight In the Ribbon Department First Floor. West. we will sell 3j-inch Satin Taffeta and Plain Taffeta Ribbon, in white, pink, blue, cardinal, brown and navy, a regular 20c Tonight In the Millinery Department Third Floor.

West, we will sel1 95c Camel's Hair Skating Toques for 50c. Toboggan Toques, girls' and boys', 25c, 35c, SOc. $5.00, $7.00, $10.00 Girls' Trimmed Hats for $2.50, $3.50 and $5.00. $7.00, $10.00, $15.00 Women's Trimmed Hats for $3.50, $4.75, $7.50. Nov 19.

ooth i Dg. lots, -Atian- tu plan ighland Land Co. Ltd, to Bowman. Nov 10, Sth J. McKeesport.

2xll0. Bowman ave to Georgo A Oct 2. 7th wd. AlcKeesport,;. Con-rsc st s.

to Arri. -N'-v fine Winter Cap for (each) $1.00 15c grade, for (per yard) Tonight In the Cut Glass Department Third Floor, East, we will sell beautifully cut 8-inch Fruit Bowls of finest and richest American Cut Glass, that are worth $4.50, for the special price (each) $4.00 Tonight In the Women's Neckwear Dept. First Floor. West. we will sell imported Soft Crepe Scarfs, applique lace and embroidered corners, white, pink, light blue, etc.

original price for (each) 4 1 .1 Tonight Tonight Avpinwall, 2oxl''. i lfth st H. to Wineland. April 21, Cod wd. I'bg.

o(ixS2. KUley Moon st nter, to Katherine Haigis. 11 ec 6. Reserve twp, 5Ux20o, Spring Garden ave ncal. to Montas, Pec 7.

Emsworth. S0xl61. Beaver ave lay Walter to 1. St Smith. Nov 26, Avstlon, SOxlCO.

Norwood ave 'inner A to A Voegtley, Nov 7. Braddoek twp. SflxlOO. Dewey ave. auftmann to Dec 15.

22d w.i, Pbgr. $0x235. Forbes st atterson to Dec 1, 21 wd. Fbe. 20x7(1.

Wood rt 2.450 l.MO 1.1 2,401 450 6,000 25,000 30.0X 3.300 2.0O0 2,950 5,000 1.650 4. oOO 7.000 Tonight In the Women's Neckwear Dep't First Floor. West, we will sell $1.00 imported Twice-Around Tucked Silk Scarfs, yards long, white and colored combinations, for the very special In the Drapery Department Fourth Floor, West, we will sell squares of Silk Damask and Tapestry worth eight times as much as we purpose charging suitable for covering fancy kennedy to Home Ico Co, March 22, In the Ribbon Department First Floor. West. we will sell 6-inch French Taffeta, Satin, Mousseline and Dresden Ribbons, 5-inch changeable Taffeta and 45-inch Pillow Ribbon, 35, 40.

50c grades (a yard) Duiuesne, Norman ave rush. Wm to Jones. Oct Homestead. 30x110. Fifteenth ave omkins' to Stand.

Dec 1, 21st wd, FbR, 23xlL)0, Thompson st llwood to II Sheets, Dec S. McKeesport. 26Sx310 Hilda ook A to Noll, Oct 27, 25th wd, Pbg. 24x20, Carson st rawford to Park, May 21, Fine twp. 12S crea urrell Isabella to Weiler.

Nev 15. Mifnin tvp, 40x110, Forest ave. pillows, for chair seats, for (each) 25c price of (each) 50c a Month December is going to be a record breaking month of this record breaking year, with, the Pittsburg Agency of The Equitable Life Assurance Society During the first half of the month the total sales of the agency amounted to $1,009,554 a gain of $324,104 over the corresponding period of last year. The total sales for the year to date amount to $14,045,122. Hundreds of Christmas Policies December is getting to be the greatest Life Assurance month of the year The practice of giving a policy to wife, or daughter, or son, as a Christmas gift has grown to such large proportions that it now constitutes a large part of the December business.

And surely nothing- could be more appropriate as a Yuletide present than a continuous installment policy providing for substantial cash presents every Christinas in years to come There is still time to secure a Policy for Christmas delivery, if it is ordered at once. The Equitable Life Assurance Society, Edward A. Woods, Manager, Equitable Floor, Frick Building. Knderson to Olivia Love, Dec 12. CECIL PENN FIFTH 19th wd, Fbcr.

24x100. Broad st taw kins to Matthews, Oct 27. S'Xtt twp, 4 avers C. to Carter. Deo 1.

Wil- kinbbuig. 52x5S, Kelley st City's Money Spent Freely. The bureau of highways and sewer? has een one of the most extravagant hu-faus of the city government during resent year. Last year Director "ICddle" higelow. of the piibllo works department.

OFriClAL- PITTSBt'RO. OFFICIAL- PITTSTllKCn OFFICIAI-PITTSBI RG. iaimed tne appropriation was not surn-ient for the bureau and the sum of 114.000 was transferred to the bureau. aving a balance of to start the resent year. I he appropriation lor this city of Pittsburgh relating thereto and ear was making the total amount regulating the same, for proposals for the v.iilable for the bureau.

5447. tK'. The ransfer scheme has been worked again councils this 2Sth day of November, A. t. I 04 P.

WTO HTM AN. President of Select Council. Attest: E. W. HASSLER, clerk of Select Council.

R. B. WARD, President of Common Council. Attest: H. B.

DAVIP. Clerk of Common Council. Mavnr Office, November 2S. 1904- Approved: V. B.

AYS, Mayor. Attest: WALTER R. BLACK. Mayor's Secretary. Recorded In Ordinance Book, volume 16, pace am, 12th day of December, A.

D. v.m. 1217r nd as a result the total sum given bureau thus far is Xot-ithstanding this there is only hand! to pay the bills for November nd the salaries and hills for December nd January. The fiscal year begins ebruary 1. ro fiat the Chance OFFICIAL PITTSBURGH.

(No. 37(0 AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the grading, paving and curbing of Emory alley, from Coral strftpt to Friendship avenue. Whereas. It appears by the petition and affidavit on file in the office of the city clerks th3t a majority of the property owners in interest and numcer aouttlng ujoii the line of Emory alley, between Coral street and Friendship avenue. hav petitioned the council? of the City of i-itrsburgh to enact an ordinance for the grading, paving and curbing or the same.

Therefore, Section .1 Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Select and Common Councils assembled, and it Is hereby ordained and enactel by the au-thoriay of thr samv That Emory alley, from Coral street to Friendship "avenue, be graded, paved and curbed. Section 2 The mayor and the director of the department of nublic works are hereby authorized and directed to advertise, in accordance with the acts of assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the ordinances of the said thorlty of the same. That the dedication of Err.ory alley, from Coral street to Friei dship avenue, at a width of twenty (2'li feet, said dedication being made by Jonas II. Baum. under date of May 21.

1904. and is hereby approvod and accepted. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of tiiis ordinance and the fame is hereby rept-wled. so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Covmcils this 'JMU day of November, A.

IL 1904. J.MES S. WKJHTMAN, President of Select Council. Attest: E. W.

HASSLER. Clerk of Select Council. R. B. WARD.

President of Common Council. Attest: DAVIS. Clerk of Common Council. Mavo 's Office. November 104.

Approved: W. B. HATS, Mayor Attest: WALTER R. BLACK. Mayor's Secretary.

Recorded in Ordinance Book, volume 16, page 3S4, iOib. day or December, A. D. ttlTr jraoinis. paving ana curoing 01 said Ftreet between said points: the contract or contracts therefor to be let in the manner directed by the said acts of assembly and and the contract price or contract prices, if let in separate contracts, not to exceed the tot.ii sum of three thousand one hundred dollars, which is the estimate of the who! cost as furnished by the department of public works.

Section 3 The cost, damages and expense of the same to be assessed against and collected from properties specially benefited, in accordance with the provisions of the acts of assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania" relating thereto and regulating the same. Section 4 That anv ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in if a life to get fine goods at your WI J.l iki i i-a yi'jit till at V-WV ft 1 je inn IM. 1 verv article of the Durb.n Fuhr Store. Ko 212 Sixth street.

No such bargains -lade possible bv this unfortunate fa il- rt i 1 1 V. (No. 364 AN ORDINANCE Approving and accepting tiie dedication of Emory alley, from Cora! street to Friendship avenue. Section 1 Ra it ordained and enacted bv the City of Pittsburgh, in Select and Ctnmon Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the au- fp llifit; hi mi i i tiit. ti hup dollars worth of diamonds, jewelry, katchefs out class, silverware, art goods.

Sales tc. Sats reserve for ladies..

The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Article information

Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Views: 5641

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.