Candy Store » Alle Strain Infos | CBD-DEAL24 (2024)

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Candy Store » Alle Strain Infos | CBD-DEAL24 (2024)


Is Candy an indica or sativa? ›

Candy Kush features indica, sativa and ruderalis elements within its genetic make up. The strain is the result of crossbreeding the parent strains Auto Pounder and Kush. This feminised strain offers a tantalising sweet taste to cannabis smokers, and does not disappoint when it comes to yields.

Is Candy Store RBx indica or sativa? ›

Candy Store RBx is a unique strain that is sure to satisfy even the most discerning cannabis connoisseur. It has a 25% THC content, as well as a 0% CBD content. Candy Store RBx is a 20% sativa and 80% indica strain.

What are the effects of candy strain? ›

What effects does Candy have? Candy cannabis strain is well-balanced in that is has an uplifting and energizing component that eventually gives way to a mellow, stony relaxation according to consumers. Is Candy an Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Candy cannabis strain is a hybrid.

What is the future number 1 strain? ›

Future #1 offers a more euphoric and functional high that allows for creative expression, daydreaming, and insightful conversation. Coming from Anesia Seeds, Future #1 crosses Original Glue and Starfighter. This potent strain offers a delicious pineapple, citrus, and mango terpene profile.

What is candy Store strain? ›

From Ethos Genetics' Unique Boutique Line, Candy Store R1 crosses Lemon Berry Candy OG and Ethos Cookies #16. Densely packed nugs with monster trichomes cover its branches, making for great extracts. Terpenes put out sharp candied berry, thick floral, and sandalwood incense scents, all backed by a gassy undertone.

What is the best strain for a happy high? ›

We've compiled the best strains that inspire euphoria thanks to a mix of terpenes and genetics that suit any connoisseur's preferences.
  • Trainwreck. ...
  • Sweeties. ...
  • Rainbow Belts. ...
  • Face Off OG. ...
  • Apples and Bananas. ...
  • White Runtz. ...
  • Gelato. ...
  • Jack Frost.

What does RBX mean in strains? ›

US seed bank Ethos Genetics do a lot of this kind of feminised inter-breeding and they would label these seeds as RBX which stands for Reversed Back Cross.

Is Candy Runtz a real strain? ›

Candy Runtz (H) Small Buds 30.56% Thc

The Candy Runtz strain is a crossbreed between two popular and potent cultivars, Zkittlez and Gelato. Both parent strains are highly regarded for their flavors and effects, and Candy Runtz combines the best of both worlds.

Which runtz is sativa? ›

Blue Runtz Strain

Keep in mind that this strain leans towards the sativa side of things, so it's going to make you feel happy, euphoric, uplifted, and talkative. It's ideal for social situations. In terms of the flavor, the dominant terpene is limonene, which means it has a citrusy aroma.

What strain has the strongest effects? ›

  • Most Potent Strain Overall: Godfather OG.
  • Relaxing and Euphoric Highs: Gorilla Glue #4.
  • Potential Pain Relief: Cake Bomb.
  • Powerful Energizing Effects: Bruce Banner.
  • Intense Mood Upliftment: Chocolope Fem.
  • Impressively High Yields: Apple Betty.
  • Irresistible Terpene Profile: Titan F1.
May 21, 2024

Which strain makes you feel high? ›

Commonly associated effects of use: Sativa often produces a “mind high” or an energizing, anxiety-reducing effect. Daytime or nighttime use: Because of its stimulating effects, sativa is often used in the daytime. Popular strains: Various sativa strains may be used for different purposes.

Why does indica make me feel good? ›

Indica Effects

The higher CBD content in indica can mean that for many people, it causes a relaxing, soothing feeling in the body. But experts also point to its higher levels of the terpene myrcene as a reason for a sleepy feeling. For this reason, some people choose to take this strain in the evening hours.

What's the best strain ever? ›

Users call Godfather OG one of the best weed strains for its therapeutic effects on pain, stress, and anxiety. With THC levels reaching up to 30%, Godfather OG provides a legendary and powerful high best suited for seasoned cannabis enthusiasts.

What is the oldest strain? ›

Hindu Kush, or Hindi Kush, also comes from the Hindu Kush Mountains and is referred to as one of the world's oldest weed strains. In Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, Hindu Kush is commonly used to produce hash.

What is the strongest indica strain in the world? ›

What Is the Strongest Indica Strain? Gorilla Glue is is considered one of the strongest strains of weed. Its known for its potent effects, but the strength of a strain can vary depending on factors such as cultivation and individual tolerance.

Is Candy Land sativa or indica? ›

Candyland is a sativa-dominant hybrid cannabis strain created by crossing Granddaddy Purple and Bay Area Platinum Cookies strain, known for its sweet aroma, dense nugs covered in trichomes, and uplifting effects.

Is Candy Gas indica or sativa? ›

Candy Gas is a hybrid strain, meaning it offers a balanced combination of both indica and sativa effects. This makes it a versatile choice for a wide range of users, whether they are looking for relaxation, pain relief, or a boost in creativity and energy.

Is sativa happier than indica? ›

Indica strains are said to have a calming effect on the body and mind due to their higher CBD content. They are often considered "bedtime strains" because they help induce sleep and ease anxiety. 11. Sativa strains are said to be uplifting and cause more of a cerebral "head-high" feeling due to their high THC content.

What are the effects of sativa Candy? ›

On the sativa side, it triggers a wave of euphoria and keeps the mind alert just enough to keep it from slipping into couch-lock. This strain may help with depression, daily stress, or minor pain. It's also a good choice for a social smoke with friends.


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Author: Dong Thiel

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Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.